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SS21 Mimaki 2-Liter Ink Bag with Chip
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SS21 Mimaki 2-Liter Ink Bag with Chip

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Specifically manufactured to match the exact performance and color properties of Mimaki's SS21 Mild Solvent inks. This is a DST Mild Solvent ink with a stunning color gamut, performance, accurate color reproduction and the ability to print on a wide range of media.


  • $165.00 USD

Our colors are a perfect match of the original and since it's so incredibly close to the original there's no need to change the color profiles or flush the lines.

- Very mild scent
- Plug & Play just like the original ink.
- Environmental friendly.
- Water-resistant.
- Outdoor durability without lamination: similar to OEM.
- Wide color gamut.
- Clean intense colors.
- Smooth tonal gradations.
- Excellent adhesion and compatibility with wide range of coated and uncoated substrates.

Compatible with the MBIS (Mimaki Bulk Ink System) on following Mimaki printers:

CJV150-130, CJV150-160
CJV300-130, CJV300-160
JV150-130, JV150-160
JV300-130, JV300-160
JV33-130, JV33-160, JV33-260

    • Weight
      5.0000 lbs
    • SKU
  • Color
    Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Light Cyan, Light Magenta, Orange, Light Black
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