Mimaki JV33/CJV30 Ink Bag, 1L
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Mimaki JV33/CJV30 Ink Bag, 1L

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1-liter ink bag to be used with our bulk system for Mimaki JV33/CJV30. Ink is compatible with SS21.

  • $125.00 USD
In stock (1000 items available)

1-liter ink bag filled with solvent ink for Mimaki JV33 and CJV30. To be used on a bag-based bulk system for Mimaki. This is the premium next generation "nano ink", packaged in bags on our proprietary 2-stage degassing machine. Our ink bags will work with less banding and with a higher yield per liter, compared to all other alternative inks.

    • Weight
      2.5000 lbs
    • SKU
  • Choose color:
    Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, LightCyan, LightMagenta
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