Seiko Colorpainter Ink Bags
We were the first company to introduce ink bags and a Seiko Colorpainter chip charger with rechargeable chips. Our ink bag concept gained such a great populatiry that every ink and printer manufacturer since then started offering ink bags as an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective option.
1.5L Ink bag with chip for Seiko Colorpainter M64s
Ink bag for Seiko W64 with fluorescent sovlent ink. Available colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.
Ink bag for Seiko M64s with fluorescent sovlent ink. Available colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.
Black is not fluorescent.
1.5L Ink bag with chip for Seiko Colorpainter H74s and H104s
Bag with solvent ink for Seiko Colorpainter 64s and Oce CS6060
Bag with solvent Flushing Solution for Seiko Colorpainter 64s / Oce CS6060 / HP9000
Ink bag for Seiko V64
Ink bag for Seiko W64
Bag with the flushing solution for Seiko V64